Wednesday, September 7, 2011

recipe for jarred tomatoes

I wouldn't try it if I didn't have a clue. It takes over 100 tomatoe plants to feed our hungry family each year and a whole summer of garden work to grow them. Making jarred tomatoes is an art and its hard to replicate the seasoned masters. Happy to play helper, we gathered at nonna and nonno's house to get the job done. There are a few things you really need for a task like this. They include:

1. a sleeping baby

2. a cool, crispy morning and a willing crew

3. one bossy nonna

4. a good enough reason to take a break that will satisfy the bossy nonna

 5. tomatoes.... lots and lots of tomatoes

6. over 170 years of combined experience,

 7. fresh basil, salt, an arsenal of mason jars and a hot fire

and VOILA! ... an Italian staple to get us through the winter.

next up.... vino!